The accompanying specific loss costs are substituted for loss costs, if any, on the same risks. Group I loss costs appearing on the following pages are 80% coinsurance net adjusted annual fire loss costs, including the charge for Inherent Explosion, V&MM and Sprinkler Leakage. The specific loss costs include such structural and protection credits and exposure deficiency and hazard of occupancy as were applicable on the date the specific evaluation was established.

RISKS NOT SPECIFICALLY EVALUATED HEREIN: Such risks are subject to the provision of Division Four - Farm or Division Five - Fire, or the Commercial Lines Manual or the Dwelling Policy Program - Idaho.

CHANGES IN SPECIFICALLY EVALUATED RISKS: In case of any change of Occupancy, Construction, or Exposure on any risk for which a published loss cost is named, the following will apply:

  1. If the risk becomes eligible for loss costs in the Commercial Lines Manual, the CLM loss costs will apply and this office shall be notified to delete the published loss cost.

  3. If not eligible for a. above, the existing loss costs shall be used and an Application for Loss Cost or Change in Loss Costs submitted to this office.


E-1No further credit for higher than 80% Coinsurance Clause. Increase loss cost $.54 for less than 80% Coinsurance.
E-2Attach 90% or higher Coinsurance Clause without further credit.
G-1Risk eligible for the Public Property Adjustment. The Group I loss cost shall be multiplied by .7.
H-1Risk is within 1,000 feet of a fire hydrant on a listed water supply. Due to various factors, the hydrant may or may not be used by the first responding fire department. Published loss costs include credit for this hydrant. An underwriter may request in writing a non-published loss costs without credit for the hydrant.
H-2Risk is within 1,000 feet of a fire hydrant on a listed water supply. Due to various factors, the hydrant may or may not be used by the first responding fire department. Published loss costs do not include credit for this hydrant. An underwriter may request in writing a non-published loss costs that includes credit for the hydrant.
H-3Risk is within 1,000 feet of a fire hydrant on a non-listed water supply. The hydrant may or may not be used by the first responding fire department. Published loss costs do not have credit for this hydrant.
H-4Risk is within 1,000 feet of a fire hydrant on a listed water supply. The risk is over seven miles from the first responding fire station. The hydrant may or may not be used by the first responding fire department. Published loss costs do not have credit for this hydrant.
I-1Risk is inside city or in a fire district within 1,000 ft. of a hydrant, but the Public Protection Class has been established using the Individual Property Fire Suppression Section of the Fire Suppression Rating Schedule.
P 1-4Attach Protective Safeguards (IL 05 15 04 98)
    1. Automatic Sprinkler System Clause
    2. Automatic Fire Alarm
    3. Security Service
    4. Service Contract
P 1-5Attach Protective Safeguards (CP 04 11 10 12)
    1. Automatic Sprinkler System Clause
    2. Automatic Fire Alarm
    3. Security Service
    4. Service Contract
    5. Automatic Commercial Cooking Exhaust and Extinguishing System
Standard fire extinguishing system for food cooking equipment considered in loss cost.
R-2Acceptable fire extinguishing system for food cooking equipment considered in loss cost.
S-5Inspection Privilege Denied
W-1Risk is eligible for the Warehouse/Storage adjustment. The Group I loss cost shall be multiplied by the applicable factor below:
Prot. ClassProt. ClassProt. Class
 Cont.772.590 Cont.590.590 Cont.505.505
1871 South Cobalt Point Way, Meridian, ID 83642-4465 E-mail Us Phone 208-343-5483 GPS 43.58847, -116.34909
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